Country Traditions

September 17, 2010

Roasted Corn the Simple Way

Filed under: farming, herbs, recipes — Tags: — dmacc502 @ 4:06 pm

Grilling corn brings out the most amazing flavors and is a great treat for every hungry person. It’s not only the perfect side dish for a barbeque, but it is simple to cook.

Grilled corn can be done two ways; one with the husk and one without the husk. If you choose to grill without the husk you should clean your corn off, rinse with water and rub the corn with butter. It is a good idea to cover it with foil so the kernels don’t burn. It will probably take about a half hour to grill and you should turn the corn often so all sides have hit the grill grates. You can also boil corn until just done, then add your butter, and place directly on the grill to get a smoky taste.

Another way to grill corn out of the husk is to pull the husk back without ripping it off, and then tie it together. Butter the corn and then allow the corn to sit on the grill with the husks hanging off the side. Your grill should be at medium and the corn will take about 10-15 minutes to cook. Corn will always be golden brown when done.

To grill corn in the husk, you should peel the husk back and remove the silky strands. Then you should rinse the corn, butter and season if you like, and place the husk back in its original position and tie to keep together. Then the corn should be soaked in water for up to two hours. After they are done soaking you can then grill for a half hour.

When you grill corn you don’t need to stick with just salt, pepper, and butter to season it. It is also very good with garlic, basil, oregano, chili powder, Dijon mustard, and many others. It will be hard to make it taste bad so keep experimenting with flavors.

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